Arduino vs. Raspberry Pi Compute Module - Which Board is Better for Personal Projects?

October 18, 2021

Arduino vs. Raspberry Pi Compute Module - Which Board is Better for Personal Projects?

When it comes to choosing a microcontroller for personal projects, there are two popular contenders in the market - Arduino and Raspberry Pi Compute Module. While both of these boards have their unique features, it can be overwhelming to choose which one suits your needs the best. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive comparison between the two boards and give our unbiased opinion on which one you should choose for your personal projects.


Arduino is a compact board that is specifically designed for use in DIY electronics projects. It consists of a microcontroller and a number of input and output pins that can be used to interact with external sensors and components. There are various versions of the board available, each with different specifications and capabilities.

One of the main advantages of Arduino is its simplicity. The board is easy to set up and comes with a user-friendly programming environment that allows even beginners to start creating projects in no time. Additionally, Arduino is known for its extensive community support, which means that there are plenty of resources and tutorials available online to help you get started.

Raspberry Pi Compute Module

Raspberry Pi Compute Module, on the other hand, is a more powerful microcontroller with the capability to run a full operating system. Like Arduino, it has a number of input and output pins; however, it also comes with an HDMI port, USB ports, and an Ethernet connector. Overall, Raspberry Pi Compute Module is a more versatile and powerful board that can be used for a wider range of projects.

One major advantage of Raspberry Pi Compute Module is its compatibility with a range of programming languages, including Python, C++, and Java. Additionally, its ability to run a full operating system means that you can use it for projects that require more advanced software capabilities, such as web servers and multimedia applications.


When comparing the two boards, there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, if you are looking for a simple and easy-to-use board for your personal projects, Arduino might be the better option for you. Its low cost, user-friendly programming environment, and extensive community support make it a great choice for beginners.

On the other hand, if you require a more powerful board with advanced software capabilities, Raspberry Pi Compute Module might be the better choice. Its ability to run a full operating system and its compatibility with a range of programming languages make it a more versatile option for more advanced projects.

That being said, it's important to note that the two boards are not mutually exclusive. Depending on your project requirements, you may find that using both boards together can provide the best results. For example, you could use Arduino as a sensor and control board while using Raspberry Pi Compute Module as a central processing unit.


In conclusion, both Arduino and Raspberry Pi Compute Module are excellent microcontrollers that can be used for a range of personal projects. Choosing between the two will depend largely on your specific project requirements. If you are a beginner looking for a simple and easy-to-use board, Arduino is the better option. However, if you require a more powerful device with advanced software capabilities, Raspberry Pi Compute Module is the way to go.

Whichever board you choose, there is plenty of community support and resources available online to help you get started. With a little bit of practice and experimentation, you can start building your own custom electronics projects in no time!


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